
Keith Daniel Carroll is a New York City-based journalist whose work has appeared in The Little Rebellion, The New Paltz Oracle, and Diabetes Health. He graduated cum laude from SUNY New Paltz with a degree in Journalism and a minor in U.S. History in December 2011, and spent a summer in Rio de Janeiro studying Portuguese and eating his weight in steak.

He started this blog as a way to justify a second extended trip to Brazil in as many years. Between the beautiful landscape, welcoming people, and the sugary temptress known as the caipirinha, the decision to go back was not a hard one to make. The only real question was for how long.

Seven weeks, it was decided, after long discussions with parents, friends, and host families. But this wasn’t to be just an extra-long, “let’s-celebrate-not-having-a-full-time-job-by-pissing-away-all-your-savings” vacation. He would write a blog, convincing everyone who read it to go out and travel too.

Keith is an avid tennis fan, working part-time as a coach for junior players, and maintaining a blog about the sport (which you can read here). He also loves watching and discussing movies, coffee, applying episodes of Family Guy to everyday life, and the musical stylings of one Nicki Minaj (kidding about that last one).

With this blog, he hopes to captivate his audience with witty anecdotes about his adventures. Video clips, pictures, audio, text, interpretive dance- anything to get his point across. If that plan fails, well, he’ll still be in Brazil.


Leonardo Zaccaro is a Rio de Janeiro-based film maker and photographer with two short films currently in post-production. His mini-documentary profiling street vendors selling acarajé placed in the Top 10 of the Curta Criativo Film Contest in 2011. He graduated from PUC-Rio in July 2012 with a degree in film production, having maintained a full academic scholarship. Leo is also an alumnus of the Disney University Program, having spent three months in late 2011 working at two of the resorts.

Some of Leo’s interests include traveling, playing video games, and (much like Keith) eating. His favorite film is Jurassic Park (despite the absurd ending), and his favorite books are the Harry Potter series. He wrote his final dissertation on the hero’s journey, using them as an example.

Leo agreed to contribute to this blog after he realized Keith was going to use his pictures anyway.

4 responses

  1. Claudette Aldebot

    Ahhhhhhh You guys are amazinnnnngggggg!!! I see amazing things in both your futures 🙂


    October 25, 2012 at 6:58 pm

    • Thanks Claudette! 🙂

      October 27, 2012 at 5:08 pm

  2. Hi Keith, how r u? I came across your blog as I was looking for clay court pics.
    Man, You´re carioca already. U´ve been to places I haven´t, being born here.
    I live in Rio and I´m really fond of tennis too. Next time you´re by, keep in touch and maybe we can play some tennis.
    I own a clay court in Guaratiba. Do u know this region of the city?
    Luiz Paulo.

    February 1, 2013 at 1:43 am

  3. Hi Luiz! Thanks for the kind words. I loved Rio…it was beautiful, and i’d really like to go again soon. I would have loved to play tennis on this trip, but it didn’t work out. I’m not familiar with Guaratiba, but maybe I’ll go there on my next trip!

    February 2, 2013 at 5:00 am

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